Glucose Transport and Protein Trafficking
Karin Stenkula’s group
Our research
Our research is focused on exploring the molecular mechanisms regulating adipocyte function, both normal and in the insulin-resistant state, using experimental cell biology methods and sophisticated microscopy techniques at a single cell level.
Our overall aim is to identify the mechanisms that cause adipocyte dysfunction. Specifically, we want to understand the very early changes in insulin signalling and glucose transport in mature adipocytes, and how this is related to cell size. Further, we aim to create a systems biology understanding of changes in both adipose tissue composition, adipocyte size, and cellular insulin responsiveness, and explore their impact on whole-body metabolism using mathematical modelling.
Our research will together with others’ provide a novel understanding of the mechanisms underlying the early stages of impaired adipocyte function. This knowledge is essential when identifying therapeutic targets for the prevention of obesity-related complications.
Research output
Link to a list of research output by the group in Lund University’s research portal
Team members
Link to a list of team members in Lund University’s research portal
Karin Stenkula
Principal investigator
Senior lecturer
+46 (0)727 27 48 45
+46 (0)46 222 08 78
karin [dot] stenkula [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se
Karin Stenkula's profile in Lund University's research portal
EXODIAB: Excellence of Diabetes Research in Sweden