LUDC Bioinformatics unit – contact and support
Our team is here to help you with bioinformatics, biostatistics, and computational support.
Do you have short and specific questions for our experts? Our preferred means of communication is our dedicated Slack channel. Anyone with a Faculty of Medicine email address ( can join this channel. You can also email your questions directly to specific members of the Bioinformatics unit.
Link to the LUDC Bioinformatics Slack channel
Drop in Zoom consultations
Would you like a short one-on-one biostatistics consultation on Zoom? Marlena Maziarz is available for drop-in consultations on Wednesdays at 14.00-16.00. You can join the call without pre-booking, or email in advance to reserve a time slot.
If someone else has joined the session before you, Marlena will send you a message on Slack to let you know when she will be available. During these sessions, you can ask for support for specific projects. If you have more questions after the short consultation, you can call in the following week or discuss a long-term collaboration on your project with us.
If you would like us to be involved in your project, please email us to arrange a meeting. Please contact us as early as possible in the planning phase of your project. Any task that is estimated to take more than four hours belongs in this category.
Links to useful resources
Please join the LUDC Bioinformatics general Slack channel to get updates and discuss general bioinformatics questions with our experts. Anyone with a Faculty of Medicine email address ( can join.
Link to the Bioinformatics unit's general Slack channel
Do you want to learn more about biostatistics? Click the link below for useful information about the foundations of R and programming.
Link to our biostatistics resources (
Another way to get bioinformatics support is to talk to our colleagues at NBIS, SciLifeLab. They offer weekly drop-in sessions, and you can also apply for a free personal consultation.

Dmytro Kryvokhyzha
Head of the LUDC Bioinformatics unit
dmytro [dot] kryvokhyzha [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se